
說穿了,教書最大的樂趣是培養同好,而且是內行的同好... 今晚遇見兩位久違的音樂高徒,他們身懷絕技闖蕩江湖,一個是唱片製作人,一個是特約詞曲作者...

聊著聊著,有人播了這首Scorpions:Here in My Heart


"哇,真內行,果然長大了,懂得欣賞好東西"... 他們有點害羞,但我知道這是內行的害羞...

從編曲到和聲,從唱腔到換氣,從錄音技術到音樂產業,從羅大佑到周杰倫,大家七嘴八舌發表意見,一邊聽一邊說,一邊討論一邊讚嘆,一邊又忙著介紹別首曲子... 客廳裡飄著陰魂不散的電流,既古典又前衛,彷彿多年前的音樂課再現...

"這些都是經典,跟現在的流行音樂不太一樣,但詞曲有厚度,可以學很多"... 他們終於聽懂了。 







Sometimes there's a time when you must say goodbye
Though it hurts you must learn to try
I know i've got to let you go
But i know anywhere you go
You'll never be far
'coz like the light of a bright star
You'll keep shining in my life
You're gonna be right

*Here in my heart
That's where you'll be
You'll be with me
Here in my heart
No distance can keep us apart
Long as you're here in my heart

Won't be any tears falling from those eyes
'cos when true love never dies
It says alive forever
Time can't take away what we have
I will remember our time together
You may think our time is through
But i'll still have you

Here in my heart...
I know you'll be back again
And 'till then
My love is waiting


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