
一首歌究竟能"問"出多少問題?這恐怕得由聽歌的人來決定... 這首歌放在我的歌單裡已經很久了,但卻一直找不到播放的心情,今晚與尚恩和嘉暐喝咖啡聊天,從電影聊到教育,從選舉聊到公民自覺,聊著聊著聊到"自由"這個話題... 好吧,就是它了。 

今天推薦 Bob Dylan 最感人的一首歌:Blowing in the Wind


吉他彈唱一直是我的最愛,但我始終不太敢公開唱這首,尤其是剛教書的頭幾年... 因為唱了會哭,特別是"How many years can some people exist, before they're allowed to be free?" 這句。

多麼卑微的字眼:allowed,(祈求)被允許... 有人自認有權力可以"允許"別人自由,但有更多的人卻自認需要 "被允許"才能獲得自由。雖然這首歌的背景是控訴70年代的越戰,人們因政治迫害所失去的自由,如今時過境遷戰火遠離,但你我真的自由了嗎?如果不是,又是誰的不允許呢?


聽歌吧。這首歌最經典也最常聽到的版本是 Bob Dylan 口琴自彈自唱,之前推薦過的 Joan Baez 也唱過,但我總覺得節奏太快而錯過文字的意境。今天推薦的版本是英國年輕女歌手Katie Melua 的現場演唱... 簡單的樂器搭配與沉穩嗓音,聽來格外讓人深思。





How many roads must a man walk down,                    一個人要走過多少路
before you call him a man?                                       才能被稱為一個"人"
How many seas must a white dove sail,                      白鴿要飛越多少潮汐
before she sleeps in the sand?                                  才能在沙灘上安眠
And how many times must a cannon ball fly,                加農砲要轟炸幾次
before they're forever banned?                                   才能被永久棄絕

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind,                
the answer is blowing in the wind.

How many years can a mountain exist,                      一座山要雄立多少年
before it is washed to the sea?                                才能被沖刷流向海洋
How many years can some people exist,                    一群人要存活多少年
before they're allowed to be free?                             才能被允許獲得自由
And how many times can a man turn his head,           一個人要轉頭幾次
and pretend that he just doesn't see?                       才能讓自己假裝沒看到

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind,
the answer is blowing in the wind.

How many times must a man look up,                       一個人要抬頭看幾回
before he sees the sky?                                         才能真正看到天空
And how many ears must one man have,                   一個人需要有幾隻耳多
before he can hear people cry ?                              才能聽到人們在哭泣
And how many deaths will it take till we know,           我們究竟要看到多少屍體   
that too many people have died?                             才知道到底有多少人已經死了

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind,
the answer is blowing in the wind.

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind,
the answer is blowing in the wind.



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