
最近,黃色小鴨游高雄,硬梆梆的水泥碼頭旁多了一隻軟綿綿的巨大玩偶,超現實的場景既驚悚又可愛,人們爭相走告、爭相膜拜,也爭相消費... 如果這是一種城市行銷...

今天推薦 Scott McKenzie:San Francisco (1967)


這是一個道地的"苦中作樂"神話,也是一個庶民經濟的城市行銷高招,用一個簡單廉價的巨型充氣娃娃去改變原本貧乏的生活樣貌... 視覺上,它從水平到垂直,巨大的比例改變了都市街道的"尺度",也改變了人們走在路上的身體經驗。心理上,它從垂直到水平,改變了以往高來高去摸不著頭緒的"文創",沒有宣言也無需論述,甚至沒什麼道理,用最簡單的趣味製造話題,不但霸佔媒體版面,還帶動無限商機...

遠遠看,小鴨夾在大樓與大樓之間的夾縫中,若隱若現等待救贖,為高雄的天際線帶來無限遐想。近近看,人群如流水般移動,越走越近頭越抬越高,宛如迎接天神降臨... 眼裡看著小鴨,口裡吃著小鴨,身上穿著小鴨,手裡拿著小鴨...


好啦,people in motion... 到舊金山別忘了頭上帶花,來高雄別忘了看黃色小鴨... 



If you're going to San Francisco    
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair    
If you're going to San Francisco    
You're gonna meet some gentle people there    

For those who come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there
In the streets of San Francisco
Gentle people with flowers in their hair

*All across the nation such a strange vibration
People in motion
There's a whole generation with a new explanation
People in motion people in motion

For those who come to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there


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