明天是妳生日... 我想妳跟我一樣,一旦到了某個年紀就不願再提到歲數。這麼重要的日子竟用這種方式度過,實在令人扼腕,但也許"來日方長",不論如何都要愉快面對。送妳一首特別的"生日快樂",祝你永遠笑傲江湖... 

聽聽 Stevie Wonder:A Place in the Sun (1966)


九月的第一天,大雨帶來"入秋第一道冷鋒",氣溫明顯下降,世界變得安靜... 美麗的季節開始,我從櫃子裡拿出熱水壺,洗了兩遍,泡一杯茶,準備迎接下一道陽光。



Whatever... Happy Birthday! sis.



Like a long lonely stream
I keep runnin' toward a dream
Movin' on, movin' on
Like a branch on a tree
I keep reachin' to be free
Movin' on, movin' on

'Cause there's a place in the sun
Where there's hope for ev'ryone
Where my poor restless heart's gotta run
There's a place in the sun
And before my life is done
Got to find me a place in the sun

Like an old dusty road     好像這泥濘的道路
I get weary from the load     重擔壓得我疲憊不堪    
Movin' on, movin' on     好吧  繼續來吧
Like this tired troubled earth     好像這疲憊又麻煩的地球
I've been rollin' since my birth     我打從娘胎就開始在這兒打滾
Movin' on, movin' on     好吧  繼續來吧


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