
眼看暑假就要結束了,但"我的夏天"卻好像還沒來... 這不是溫度的問題,而是光線、速度、味道與聲音... 我想,雖然"暑假"每年都有,但"夏天"也許永遠不會再來... 

今天推薦 Natalia & Ville:Smmer Wine (1967/2009) 


這首性感的曲子最早由 Nancy Sinatra (老牌歌手法蘭克辛納屈的女兒) 與 Lee Hazlewood 所唱,是國中時期的曲子 (當時在屏東糖廠外婆家,跟著表哥表姊們一起過暑假)。當時不覺得性感,沒有畫面也不懂英文,只覺得好聽,而且真的有又悶熱又涼快的感覺。後來有許多翻唱,大致都是模仿最初版本... 今天這首是波蘭裔的德國女歌手 Natalia Avelon 與芬蘭歌手 Ville Valo 的合作 (乍看之下很像強尼戴普),再現一種又悶熱又煩躁又清涼又壓抑又解放的感覺...

這首歌非常簡單,只有一段旋律重覆,甚至女聲只有一段歌詞,但男女對唱的結果卻讓人感覺越來越"激烈"... "弦樂"是編曲的重點,層次越來越豐富,加上明顯節奏,有一種早期 007 電影的味道,男女互相試探與挑逗...  



總覺得"我的夏天"應該是慢的,一種沉甸甸的"貼地",慢慢融化在有泥土的地上,而非車水馬龍的柏油路... 一種植物或黃昏燒稻草的味道,榕樹或七里香之類,悶熱的空氣帶有一絲涼風與香味... 最重要的是此起彼落的蟬叫,一種午後的催眠... 路上沒有太多行人,可以清楚聽到自己的腳步聲,說話不用太費力... 電風扇有氣無力旋轉,而且總會卡在一個特定點發出怪聲... 一種安靜的聲音...  Red 說還要加上腳踏車的鈴鐺聲,我同意,那是郵差的聲音,總是在適時擾人午睡...

夏天並非"暑假做了什麼"... 我想到東海校園的鳳凰樹,相思林,想到大三那個暑假的"她"與鹿港,想到小黑在東海牧場狂奔... 想到一把扇子,想到劇團排練場旁的稻田,想到侯孝賢的"童年往事",還有"最好的時光"裡,那間安靜的撞球店...


Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things

I walked in town on silver spurs that jingled to
A song that I had only sang to just a few
She saw my silver spurs and said let's pass some time
And I will give to you...summer wine
Oh..oh..oh...summer wine

*Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you...summer wine
Oh...summer wine

My eyes grew heavy and my lips they could not speak
I tried to get up but I couldn't find my feets
She reassured me with the unfamiliar line
And then she gave to me...more summer wine
Woh..woh..oh...summer wine

When I woke up, the sun was shining in my eyes
My silver spurs were gone, my head felt twice its size
She took my silver spurs, a dollar and a dime
And left me craving for...more summer wine
Oh..oh..summer wine


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