

今天推薦義大利歌手 Angelo Branduardi:Alla Fiera dell'Est (1976)



有時候會發現,"聽不懂"的歌詞更容易感人... 那是一種直覺的想像,讓人會特別關注發音、唱腔、轉音或編曲,尤其是樂器的音色,企圖從各種"聽覺線索"中去"還原"那個想像中的場景,甚至讓人墜入一種年代,彷彿看到羅密歐穿著緊身褲走在大街上...



Angelo Branduardi 是義大利歌手,聲音很特別,既扁平又宏亮,既現代又傳統,網路上有人說:(翻譯) 歐洲最重要的音樂家之一,創作取材來自歐洲傳統的通俗音樂,如同來自中世紀... 如此,讓人們以"超越理智想像"的程度更為靠近(... it seems that people were much closer one to the other than it seems or we think.)... 我非常喜歡這句。

這首歌同時也有英文版本 "Highdown Fair"... 歌詞宛如繞口令,但好像也是某種寓言... 或預言... 我想到一首 Joan Baez 的反戰歌曲 'Where have all the flowers gone"...


At Highdown fair for two farthings     在 Highdown 市集中 
My father bought me a little white mouse     我老爸花兩塊錢買了一隻白色的老鼠
Along came a grey cat and ate up the white mouse     跟著一隻"灰貓"過來  吃了那隻白老鼠 
My father bought in the market square…

At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse…
Along came a black dog, and jumped on the grey cat     跟著一隻"黑狗"過來 
Who ate up the white mouse     跳上那隻吃了白老鼠的灰貓
My father bought in the market square...

At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse…
Along came an old stick, and beat off the black dog     跟著一支"棍子"過來  打了那隻
Who jumped on the grey cat who ate up the white mouse     正在跳上灰貓的黑狗
My father bought in the market square...

At Highdown fair…
Along came a fire and burnt up the old stick     跟著一堆"火"過來  燒了那支
Which beat off the black dog that jumped on the grey cat     正在打狗的棍子
Who ate up the white mouse

At Highdown fair…
Along came sweet water, and put out the fire     跟著一堆"水"過來  澆熄那堆
Which burnt up the old stick     正在燒棍子的火 

At Highdown fair…
Along came a great ox, and drunk all the water     跟著一頭"牛"過來  喝光了
Which put out the fire     正在澆熄火的水

At Highdown fair…
Along came a butcher and slaughtered the great ox     跟著一個"屠夫"過來
Which drunk all the water     宰了正在喝水的牛

At Highdown fair…
And the Angel of the death came by for the butcher     跟著"死神"過來
Who slaughtered the great ox     取走正在宰牛的屠夫的小命

At Highdown fair…
And last came the Lord, who threw down the Angel     跟著"上帝"過來
Who came for the butcher     帶走正在取屠夫小命的死神


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