上課的關係,今天重新看了"時時刻刻",新舊感觸交錯。雖然這部電影探討的議題是女人,我卻關注起她們的另一半... 想想,如果愛情是一種需要,不知道究竟是誰需要誰?
安靜的夜晚,聽聽加拿大歌手 Anne Murray:You Needed Me (1978)
比較起以前每次都看得淚流滿面,這次好多了,那些原本沉重的性別、存在與權力糾結在"愛"的視野中獲得紓解,儘管這是個"看似"悲劇的結局,但在接受存在與荒謬的同時,卻帶著會心微笑... 深呼吸一口氣,繼續向前。
原來在愛情中,"被需要"也是一種需要,需要也是一種"被需要"... 這是愛情讓人謙卑的地方。
I cried a tear, you wiped it dry 當我哭泣的時候 你把我的眼淚擦乾
I was confused, you cleared my mind 當我困惑的時候 你釐清我的思緒
I sold my soul, you bought it back for me 當我出賣靈魂的時候 你為我買了回來
And held me up and gave me dignity 你幫助我站起來 給我尊嚴
Somehow you needed me 不知怎麼著 你總是需要我
*You gave me strength to stand alone again 你給我力量 讓我成長
To face the world out on my own again 讓我獨立面對世界
You put me high upon a pedestal 你把我高高捧在一個基座上
So high that I can almost see eternity 讓我幾乎看到了永恆
You needed me, you needed me 不知怎麼著 你總是需要我
And I can't believe it's you 我無法相信那個人是你
I can't believe it's true 我也無法相信這是真的
I needed you and you were there 當我需要你的時候 你就在眼前
And I'll never leave, why should I leave? 我不會離開
I'd be a fool 'cause I finally found someone who really cares 因為我終於知道誰真的在乎
You held my hand when it was cold 當寒冷的時候 你握著我的手
When I was lost you took me home 當我迷失的時候 你帶我回家
You gave me hope when I was at the end 當我絕望的時候 你給我希望
And turned my lies back into truth again 把我的謊言轉變成真理
You even called me 'friend' (我這麼糟糕) 你甚至還叫我"朋友"