週末匆匆去了一趟台北,訪視學生實習,也順便探望爹娘。下雨天的台北有點涼,我特地去了一趟闊別已久的信義區,穿梭在101、威秀和新光三越的人群之間... 走在全台灣最貴的地段,感受一下瞬間即逝的"文明"...
今天推薦加拿大樂團 The Bells:Stay Awhile (1971)
已經注意很久了,搭高鐵北上與南下的感覺明顯不同... 從高雄北上的感覺有點像出遊或"巡禮":出門看看老朋友,順便回顧一下這些年落腳的地方,台南、嘉義、彰化,熟悉的經驗在台中到達頂點,尤其是列車穿過八卦山隧道的一瞬間,左邊的大度山豁然開朗,我努力尋找熟悉的地標... 台中之後要準備另外一種心情,通常過了新竹就開始下雨,而且人的長相、衣著和步伐也不同,心情也越來越緊... 南下則正好相反,少了多愁善感而多了一種興奮,途中"路過"記憶的地盤,輕鬆打聲招呼繼續向前,台南之後彷彿連呼吸都變慢了,看到左邊窗外十號道路的車子,感覺好像看到自己...
Into my room he creeps
Without making a sound
Into my dreams he peeps
With his hair all long and hanging down
How he makes me quiver
How he makes me smile
With all this love I have to give him
I guess I'm gonna stay with him awhile
She brushes the curls from my eyes
She drops her robe on the floor
And she reaches for the light on the bureau
And the darkness is her pillow once more
How she makes me quiver
How she makes me smile
With all this love I have to give her
I guess I'm gonna stay with her awhile