

推薦一首可愛的小歌 Regina Spektor:Another Town (2006)


它既不像旅行,也不是參訪,沒有特定行程,更不是血拚或觀光,只是安安靜靜待在另一個國家、另一個小鎮、另一條街,聞聞另一種空氣,曬曬另一種太陽,想想另一件事,看看另一群人... 突然想起多年前在加拿大,背著包包在都市裡閒逛,順著夕陽走到海邊,決定待下,買一包零食和一罐啤酒,獨自在沙灘坐了一晚... 

打包行李,我琢磨著這種"留白",似乎,此時,離開比到達更迷人... 如果有一份期待,此時,似乎,不帶什麼比要帶什麼更重要...


聽說有藝穗節,聽說是周杰倫結婚的地方,聽說是建築古城,聽說還有知名大學... 只要不必排隊、不必填表或交代行蹤,都好... 到時候再說...



也許一定要走得夠遠,才能輕輕說出 I Love You...



In another town don't let me forget
In another town mouths full of regrets
In another town please place final bets
In another town but I know I know I know oh oh

In another town my fingers so cold
In another town my soul feels so old
In another town I've sold all my gold
In another town I know I know I know

I love you I love you
I love you I love you
I love you

In another town they've given me the key
In another town I'm drinking for free
In another town a girl just like me
In another town but I know I know I know oh oh

In another town the light fills my room
In antoher town they're painting my moon
In another town I won't see it soon
In another town I know I know I know



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