畢業典禮的"撥穗儀式"播了這首曲子,再搭配同學這四年來的校園生活照片,現場引來陣陣騷動,有人歡呼,有人驚嘆,有人雀躍,有人感慨... 原來這就是歷史感...
今晚推薦 Dan Fogelberg:Longer (1979)
導師的關係加上校風影響,最近參加不少"儀式性"的活動。雖然儀式是刻意安排的象徵,總覺得有點不自然,但不得不承認,儀式作為一個特殊事件,的確有令人感動之處... 畢業典禮的感動不是儀式本身的內容,而是透過儀式所營造的某種回顧與前瞻的"中斷"...
儀式如同節慶:大家放下手邊的正常工作,跳出某種正常作息,以一個高視角的"節點"形式審視存在... 想起一篇關於節日的文章,談到節日其實是一個"禮物"的概念:人們在均值的時間裡給自己的合法例外,甚至具有一種"非理性"特質...
原來,儀式的"例外價值"在於歷史對照,在這個特殊的中斷裡,給自己某種對比的領悟... 如同英文的"比較級"。
這是一首好歌,照片中的毛頭小子如今就坐在身邊,人模人樣戴著方帽子接受祝福,稚氣的臉龐多了一份"歷史"的眼光... 至少是某種領悟吧,我想。
Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you
Stronger than any mountain cathedral
Truer than any tree ever grew
Deeper than any forest primeval
I am in love with you.
I'll bring fires in the winters
You'll send showers in the springs
We'll fly through the falls and summers
With love on our wings
Through the years as the fire starts to mellow
Burning lines in the book of our lives
Though the binding cracks and the
pages start to yellow
I'll be in love with you