今晚推薦 Little Big Town:Girl Crush (2014)
還不知那叫什麼,只能比手畫腳... 當愛情自成一個世界,這個世界裡的所有東西都是真的,無關道理,沒有邏輯,甚至超越性別,虛無飄渺如此,高深莫測,但,最重要的是理直氣壯。
"怎麼都行"... 伍迪艾倫說得好:Whatever Works (2009)
"痛到底,就變成痛快"... 當潘朵拉的盒子打開,只能給自己另一個潘朵拉的盒子...
想起一部老電影"桃色交易(Indecent Proposal, 1993)",年輕的愛情受了試探,小倆口非常後悔,他們極力想擺脫這段記憶,不斷爭吵/怪罪/指責,但事情已經發生,潘朵拉的傷痕無法彌補。片尾有一句感人的台詞,原來問題不在遺忘或假裝沒事,而在接受與原諒:It's not forgettable, but forgivable...
I got a girl crush 我好羨慕她
Hate to admit it but 不想承認 但
I got a heart rush 我心跳加速
Ain't slowing down 停不下來
I got it real bad 我渴望擁有
Want everything she has 她擁有的一切
That smile and that midnight laugh 還有那午夜的笑聲
She's giving you now 她正給著你
Hate to admit it but 不想承認 但
I got a heart rush 我心跳加速
Ain't slowing down 停不下來
I got it real bad 我渴望擁有
Want everything she has 她擁有的一切
That smile and that midnight laugh 還有那午夜的笑聲
She's giving you now 她正給著你
*I want to taste her lips 我想嚐嚐她的唇
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you 因為上面有你的味道
I want to drown myself 我想淹死自己
In a bottle of her perfume 在她的香水裡
I want her long blonde hair 我想要她的金色長髮
I want her magic touch 魔力般的肌膚
Yeah, 'cause maybe then 因為這樣 也許
You'd want me just as much 如同你渴望我一般
I got a girl crush
I got a girl crush
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you 因為上面有你的味道
I want to drown myself 我想淹死自己
In a bottle of her perfume 在她的香水裡
I want her long blonde hair 我想要她的金色長髮
I want her magic touch 魔力般的肌膚
Yeah, 'cause maybe then 因為這樣 也許
You'd want me just as much 如同你渴望我一般
I got a girl crush
I got a girl crush
I don't get no sleep 我無法入睡
I don't get no peace 我無法平靜
Thinking about her 一想到她
Under your bed sheets 在你床邊
The way that she's whispering 她細語般
The way that she's pulling you in 擁你入懷
Lord knows I've tried, 天知道我都試過
I can't get her off my mind 但我就是無法不想她
I don't get no peace 我無法平靜
Thinking about her 一想到她
Under your bed sheets 在你床邊
The way that she's whispering 她細語般
The way that she's pulling you in 擁你入懷
Lord knows I've tried, 天知道我都試過
I can't get her off my mind 但我就是無法不想她