
酒吧裡既熱鬧又孤單,既溫暖又冷酷。有人懷念過去、有人忘卻當下、有人計畫未來,他們來自各地,各取所需,分享那杯稱為"寂寞"的酒,但這種酒最好是一個人喝... 鋼琴手的獨白,彈出一種視野,也唱出一種選擇... 

今天推薦 Billy Joel:Piano Man (1973/2006)


Billy Joel 彈了一輩子鋼琴,這首歌由他唱來真是越老越夠味... 

我喜歡坐在角落的鋼琴手勝過舞台上的鋼琴手... 他若即若離,用琴聲陪伴,唱出大家的心事,卻又冷眼旁觀。他用快節奏的舞曲獵取鏡頭,在煙霧迷漫的歡笑中刺中人心。他胡說八道好像說了些什麼,又好像胡說八道什麼都沒說...


最後一句歌詞令我發笑,但想想,其實鬼地方到處都是... 總是一種視野,也是一種選擇。




It's nine o'clock on a Saturday     現在是週末晚上九點鐘
The regular crowd shuffles in     人們如往常般湧入
There's an old man sitting next to me     一個老頭坐在我隔壁
Makin' love to his tonic and gin     正陶醉地喝著琴酒

He says, "Son, can you play me a memory     他說:「孩子,為我彈一首回憶吧,
I'm not really sure how it goes     我已經忘了那是什麼了,
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete     但我知道它既苦又甜,
When I wore a younger man's clothes."     當我還年輕的時候。」

la la la, di da da
La la, di di da da dum

*Sing us a song, you're the piano man     你是位鋼琴手,為我們唱首歌吧
Sing us a song tonight     唱首今晚的歌
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody     我們都享受在其中
And you've got us all feelin' alright     你讓我們開心

Now John at the bar is a friend of mine     吧檯的約翰是我朋友
He gets me my drinks for free     他今晚請我喝酒
And he's quick with a joke and he'll light up your smoke     他擅長說笑,也會幫人點菸    
But there's some place that he'd rather be     但他寧可在其他地方工作。他說:
He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me."     「比爾相信我,這份工作會害死我。」
As his smile ran away from his face     他笑著轉過身
"Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star     他說:「我會是電影明星,
If I could get out of this place"     只要我能離開這裡。」

Now Paul is a real estate novelist     保羅是一個以房地產為題材的小說家
Who never had time for a wife     一直忙到沒有時間討老婆
And he's talkin' with Davy, who's still in the Navy     他和正在海軍服役的戴維說話
And probably he will be for life     那小子可能會當一輩子軍人    

And the waitress is practicing politics     女服務生正在耍手段
As the businessman slowly gets stoned     那些生意人都慢慢上當了
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness     他們分享著那杯稱為"寂寞"的酒
But it's better than drinkin' alone     其實這種酒最好是一個人喝   

It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday     哇靠,週末這裡可真熱鬧
And the manager gives me a smile     店經理對我微笑,因為他知道
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see     這些顧客是衝著我來的    
To forget about their life for a while     我讓他們暫時忘掉生命的煩惱
And the piano, it sounds like a carnival     而這琴聲聽起來就像嘉年華
And the microphone smells like a beer     麥克風聞起來像啤酒
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar     他們把小費放進罐子裡,然後說:
And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?"     「老兄,你怎麼還在這種鬼地方混?」


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