
如果都是"真心"的,人會不會同時愛上兩個人?這好像是一個不該問的問題,但不代表這個問題就不存在... 最近一則八卦新聞引發一個古老議題,我想到這首歌...

今天推薦 Mary McGregor:Torn Between Two Lovers (1976)



其實"會不會同時愛上兩個人"並不是一個 "be able to" 的能力問句,而比較像是一個 "be willing to" 的意願問句。這是一種選擇的狀態,當然如此也必須同時承擔著"被選擇"的命運,因此所要面對的就不是狀態本身的道德自責,而是"如何解決"的現實問題 (如果真有"事情"需要"被解決"的話)... 換言之,"同時愛上兩個人"並不是問題,只是大家比較關注"同時愛上兩個人之後該怎麼辦?"


記得有一回上課時問同學"劈腿好不好?",全班異口同聲都說"不好",我接著問"如果劈腿可以找到真愛,這樣好不好?",全班有一半同學開始沉默... 我大笑...




There are times when a woman     一個女人
Has to say what's on her mind     總會有想要說出內心事的時候
Even though she knows how much it's gonna hurt     雖然她知道那將帶來無比傷害
Before I say another word     在我明確表白之前
Let me tell you, I love you     我要讓你知道我是愛你的
Let me hold you close and say these words     讓我緊緊擁抱你
As gently as I can     然後盡可能溫柔說出
There's been another man,     我其實有另一個男人
That I've needed and I've loved     我需要他 而且我愛他    
But that doesn't mean I love you less     但這並不表示我不愛妳
And he knows he can't possess me     他知道無法佔有我
And he knows he never will     他也不願如此
There's just this empty place inside of me     只是我內心的空虛
That only he can fill     好像只有他能填滿

*Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool     週旋在兩個愛人之間  我感覺像個傻子
Loving both of you is breaking all the rules     同時愛上你們是一件"犯規"的事
Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool
Loving you both is breaking all the rules

You mustn't think you failed me     千萬不要覺得是因為你對我不好
Just because there's someone else     才讓我出軌
You were the first real love I ever had     你是我此生第一個真愛
And all the things I ever said, I swear they still are true     我曾說過的都是真的
For no one else can have the part of me     那些不曾給人的所有
I gave to you     我都給了你

I couldn't really blame you     我無法怪罪於你    
If you turn and walk away     如果你就此轉頭離開

But with everything I feel inside     但現在我最想說的
I'm asking you to stay     是希望你留下


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