初春季節氣候"滂派",遠方的天地連成白茫茫一片,分不清是山是海是雲還是霧。窗外陣風暴雨大作,前無古人後無來者的氣勢讓"清明"更加"清明",一種遺世獨立的孤傲... 剛才聽到今年第一聲春雷,好像某種大地甦醒...
今天推薦愛爾蘭歌手 Enya:Orinoco Flow (1988)
80 年代末期出現一種強調回歸心靈的音樂 "New Age",它不像搖滾歌曲般眾生喧嘩,而是一種略帶"極簡"的風格... 這種音樂曲風式樣眾多,並沒有固定標準,有些強調"非旋律性"的空心樂器(acoustic)手感,有些則搭配不同民族音色或電子音效,它們共同的特色之一是"重複",彷彿某種"修練",給人幽遠寧靜的視野。
這首大山大水的曲子是 Enya 的代表作,氣勢磅礡典雅,豎琴編曲令人震撼,合聲尤其優美... 在這個物質文明的時代中,聽聽來自天堂的聲音...
歌詞很長,但都是許多地名的組合,在此略作篩減。Orinoco 是南美洲最長的河流之一,百萬年來孕育眾生... 春天的生命,悸動與不安...
Let me sail, let me sail: let the Orinoco Flow
Let me reach, let me beach on the shores of Tripoli
Let me sail, let me sail: let me crash upon your shore
Let me reach, let me beach far beyond the Yellow Sea
Deh deh deh deh deh deh
Sailaway sailaway sailaway
From Bissan, to Palau in the shade of Avalon
From Fiji, to Tiree and the isles of Ebony
From Peru, to Cebu: feel the power of Babylon
From Bali, to Cali: far beneath the Coral Sea
Turn it up turn it up turn it up
From the North to the South: Ebudae unto Khartoum
From the deep Sea of Clouds: to the Island of the Moon
Carry me on the waves to the lands I've never been
We can sail, we can sail with the Orinoco Flow
We can steer we can near with Rob Dickins at the wheel
We can sigh, say goodbye. Ross and his dependencies
We can reach we can beach, On the shores of tripoli
From bali to cali; far beneath the coral sea
From Bissau to Palau. In the shade of Avalon
We can reach; we can beach far beyond the Yellow Sea
From Peru to Cebu
Hear the power of Babylon
We can sail we can sail
Sailaway sailaway sailaway