沒辦法,我性子很急,但我直覺很準。我想法很細,但我的作法很土。我用文字思考,但我說話很快。我情感豐富,但我不擅討好... 千言萬語背後藏著更多說不出口的東西,一種急於要與你分享的,那種,與時間賽跑的存在關懷...
今天推薦 Extreme:More Than Words (1990)
前幾天在三餘,我經歷一場"意外"的表演,讓我意外的放鬆... 我說著完全沒有準備的話,彈著完全沒有準備的曲子,沒有rundown,沒有歌譜,卻享受著完全沒有準備的自在,甚至欲罷不能... 感謝某種緣份,讓這群自在的觀眾湊在一起,我們說著、彈著、笑著、唱著...
我想,也許當"意外"變成一種"自在"的時候... 也許一切都對了。
Saying 'I love you'
Is not the words
I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say
But if you only knew
How easy
It woulb be to
Show me how you feel
More than words
Is all you have to do
To make it real
Then you wouldn't
Have to say
That you love me
I'd already know
What would you do
If my heart
Was torn in two
More than words
To show you feel
That your love
For me is real
What would you say
If I took
Those words away
Then you couldn't
Make things new
Just by saying
I love you
More than words
More than words
Now that I've tried to
Talk to you
And make you understand
All you have to do
Is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands
And touch me
Hold me close
Don't ever let me go
More than words
Is all I ever
Needed you to show
Then you wouldn't
Have to say
That you love me
'Cause I already know