
十一月是我最喜歡的月份,避開吵雜的"光輝十月",也躲過熱鬧的聖誕節,低調冷靜又熱情精準... 這首歌送給十一月的壽星,包括林青霞、李小龍、莫內、孫文、朱自清、杜斯妥也夫斯基、卡謬... 蔡一峰、法蘭克大叔... 一個叫小毛的老頭、一個叫阿蠻的摯友,還有一個叫阿財的小鬼...

今天推薦 Lutricia McNeal:When A Child Is Born (1972/1998)



Well, 幸好聖誕節還沒到,聽聽這 R & B 版本... 祝大家生日快樂... 也祝他們母子平安...



A ray of hope flickers in the sky     一道希望之光閃過天際
A tiny star lights up way up high     一顆小小的星星照亮穹廬
All across the land, dawns a brand new morn     到處傳來清晨的喜悅
This comes to pass when a child is born     就這樣迎接新生命的到來 

A silent wish sails the seven seas     一個無聲的願望航向大海
The winds of change whisper in the trees     改變的風聲在樹梢低語
And the walls of doubt crumble, tossed and torn     打破所有不信任的藩籬
This comes to pass when a child is born     就這樣迎接新生命的到來   

A rosy hue settles all around     玫瑰紅灑落大地
You've got the feel you're on solid ground     你感覺站在堅實的大地
For a spell or two, no-one seems forlorn     沒有人被詛咒或被遺棄
This comes to pass when a child is born     就這樣迎接新生命的到來

It's all a dream, an illusion now     如同夢幻般    
It must come true, sometime soon somehow     終將甦醒
All across the land, dawns a brand new morn     到處傳來清晨的喜悅
This comes to pass when a child is born     就這樣迎接新生命的到來


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