今天推薦 The Carpenters:Solitaire (1975)
我尤其喜歡即興亂彈,有時順便哼上一兩句,沒有文字的旋律讓聲音更有"空間感"。思緒把我帶到某個意外和弦,我仔細分辨這種"彈錯"的效果,這裡多一個音或那裡少一個音,這樣彈或那樣彈... 我還喜歡在亂彈中想事情:想創作、想論文、想等一下要吃什麼或做什麼,想過去或未來,甚至去感受"想"的感覺,有時竟會悟出一番人生道理,大部分與音樂無關,偶爾會有畫面或對話... 總之,獨處是一個人的遊戲,只要你會玩。
Solitaire 就是那種一個人玩的遊戲,紙牌之類的,也是"關禁閉"或"獨居房"的意思,聽起來很恐怖,也很慘,但對我而言卻樂在其中,也許就是彈吉他,以及由"彈吉他"所形成的"世界"。
學習獨處是重要的。想到多年前和同學聊到"孤獨",我說那是一種"享受自己一個人沒事幹"的快樂... 如果你也能體會的話。
There was a man, a lonely man,
who lost his love through his indifference.
A heart that kept, that went unshared,
until it died within his silence.
*And Solitaire's the only game in town,
and every road that takes him, takes him down.
And by himself, it's easy to pretend,
he'll never love again.
And keeping to himself he plays the game,
without her love it always ends the same.
While life goes on around him everywhere,
he's playing Solitaire.
A little hope goes up in smoke,
just how it goes, goes without saying.
There was a man, a lonely man,
who would command the hand he's playing.