
今天是個值得紀念的日子,可惜這種紀念竟是一種哀悼,再次活生生上演... 重點不是又有個愫未平生的年輕人離奇慘死軍中,而是高高在上的權力者竟又如此推委卸職... 感謝他們再次用行動證明自己的寡廉鮮恥與無能...

今天推薦 Don McLean : American Pie (1971)


14 歲的報童在送報時看到自己心愛的歌手因飛機失事而喪生,12 年之後寫下這首搖滾音樂史的經典,這是一個詩人的隱喻與控訴,關於美國文化、政治、宗教及生活信仰... 他當年以優美詩句撫慰梵谷的星空,溫柔對抗這充滿權力的冷酷世界...

這首八分多鐘的曲子充滿典故,說來話長,Bass 非常精彩。





A long, long time ago...     很久很久以前  
I can still remember     我依稀記得
How that music used to make me smile.     那些音樂曾經讓我開心
And I knew if I had my chance     而且我還知道如果我有機會的話
That I could make those people dance     我會讓人們起身跳舞
And, maybe, they'd be happy for a while.     也許能讓他們高興一陣子

But february made me shiver     但那悲慘的二月讓我心碎
With every paper I'd deliver.     在我打工送報的同時
Bad news on the doorstep;     那段丟在門口的壞消息
I couldn't take one more step.     讓我舉步維艱

I can't remember if I cried     不記得我是否哭了
When I read about his widowed bride,     當我在報紙上讀到他那可憐的的寡婦新娘    
But something touched me deep inside     我深深有感而發    
The day the music died.     那天 音樂死了

*So bye-bye, miss american pie.     再見了 美國派小姐
Drove my chevy to the levee,     我開著雪弗蘭汽車去 Levee 酒吧
But the levee was dry.     酒吧已空
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye     那些老鬼正喝著麥汁威士忌
Singin', "this'll be the day that I die.     大聲唱著"今天我將死去"
"this'll be the day that I die."     是的  今天我將死去

Did you write the book of love,     你是否寫過一本關於愛的書
And do you have faith in God above,     你相信上帝嗎
If the Bible tells you so?     如果聖經上是這樣寫的話 
Do you believe in rock 'n roll,     你相信搖滾樂嗎
Can music save your mortal soul,     音樂可以拯救你的道德靈魂嗎
And can you teach me how to dance real slow?     你能教我如何放慢速度來跳舞嗎      

Well, I know that you're in love with him     好啦  我知道妳愛他
`cause I saw you dancin' in the gym.     因為我看到你們在體育館內跳著舞
You both kicked off your shoes.     互相踢掉了鞋子
Man, I dig those rhythm and blues.     老天  我深深感受那憂傷的節奏

I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck     當時我是個寂寞小子
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck,     帶著一朵粉紅康乃馨  開著一部小貨車
But I knew I was out of luck     我知道我並不走運
The day the music died.     因為那天  音樂死了

I started singin',     我開始唱著...
Now for ten years we've been on our own     十年過去了  我們都開始獨立    
And moss grows fat on a rollin' stone,     滾石上長滿青苔
But that's not how it used to be.     並非人們所說的那樣    
When the jester sang for the king and queen,     弄臣小丑為國王與皇后獻唱
In a coat he borrowed from james dean     穿了一件詹姆士狄恩的外套
And a voice that came from you and me,     唱出你我的聲音

Oh, and while the king was looking down,     當國王低頭
The jester stole his thorny crown.     小丑偷了他的荊棘皇冠
The courtroom was adjourned;     但法庭關閉
No verdict was returned.     沒有任何宣判
And while lennon (lenin?) read a book of marx,     當時列寧正讀著馬克思
The quartet practiced in the park,     優雅的四重奏在公園裡練習
And we sang dirges in the dark     我們在黑暗中唱著歌
The day the music died.     就在音樂死去的那天

We were singing,     我們唱著...

Helter skelter in a summer swelter.     酷熱的夏天倉促忙亂
The birds flew off with a fallout shelter,     群鳥飛過輻射防塵網
Eight miles high and falling fast.     從八英哩的高空迅速墜落
It landed foul on the grass.     摔死在草地上
The players tried for a forward pass,     球員試著向前傳球
With the jester on the sidelines in a cast.     靠著邊線上小丑的偷偷幫忙

Now the half-time air was sweet perfume     中場休息時突然飄來一陣香水味
While the sergeants played a marching tune.     原來軍樂隊要進場表演
We all got up to dance,     我們都想起身跳舞
Oh, but we never got the chance!     但都沒機會
`cause the players tried to take the field;     因為球員佔據了場地
The marching band refused to yield.     而軍樂隊又不肯讓步
Do you recall what was revealed     你還記得那晚吐露了什麼訊息嗎
The day the music died?     就在音樂死去的那天

Oh, and there we were all in one place,     我們同在一處
A generation lost in space     新世代在此迷失
With no time left to start again.     沒有時間可以重頭來過
So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quick!     所以  傑克來吧  越快越好    
Jack flash sat on a candlestick     傑克迅速坐在蠟燭台上
Cause fire is the devil's only friend.     因為火焰是惡魔唯一的朋友

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage     我看到他在舞台上
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.     我的雙手憤怒握拳
No angel born in hell     地獄裡長不出天使
Could break that satan's spell.     也無法破除撒旦的咒語
And as the flames climbed high into the night     當火焰衝高天際    
To light the sacrificial rite,     照亮整個祭典
I saw satan laughing with delight     我看到撒旦正高興地大笑
The day the music died     就在音樂死去的那天

He was singing,     他唱著...

I met a girl who sang the blues     我遇到一個唱著悲歌的女孩
And I asked her for some happy news,     我向她要一些好消息
But she just smiled and turned away.     但她微笑轉身離開
I went down to the sacred store     我跑到一家宗教用品店
Where I'd heard the music years before,     聽到多年前的音樂
But the man there said the music wouldn't play.     但他們告訴我如今已不再響起

And in the streets the children screamed,     大街上  小孩尖叫著
The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed.     情人在哭泣  詩人在做夢
But not a word was spoken;     他們不發一語
The church bells all were broken.     教堂的鐘壞了
And the three men I admire most:     我最景仰的三的人
The father, son, and the holy ghost,     聖父  聖子與聖靈
They caught the last train for the coast     他們搭著末班車去了邊界
The day the music died.     就在音樂死去的那天

And they were singing,     他們唱著...



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