季節交替大地甦醒,有人寂寞難耐蠢蠢欲動,有人寄情山水流連忘返,有人高瞻遠矚憂國憂民,有人跟進跟出等待救贖,一種遐想吧... 春天第一首歌,祝大家心想事成。
推薦 Paul Anka:I Don't Like To Sleep Alone (1975)
這首歌沒什麼出息,卻讓那些"豐功偉業"相形失色。它沒什麼遠大理想,只求能跟喜歡的人睡在一起。它眼光短淺,不為千秋萬世,只圖靜心無愧平凡渡日。也許用現在的話來說,這就叫"小確幸"... 突然又想到那句對聯:善惡近在方寸之間,聖靈遠在天邊之外。
Paul Anka 是童星起家的加拿大歌手,出道於 50 年代末期,12 歲登台,15 歲就出了第一張專輯。他的成名曲是 Diana,描寫一個小男生愛上大姊姊的故事,轟動全美也榮獲排行榜首位,曾與貓王齊名。Diana 全曲只有四個和弦,也是當時學吉他的聖品。
I don't like to sleep alone
Stay with me
Don't go
Talk with me for just a while
So much of you to get to know
Reaching out touching you
Leaving all the worries behind
Loving you the way I do
My mouth on yours and yours on mine
Marry me
Let me live with you
Nothing's wrong and love is right
Like a man says in his song
Help me make it through the night
Loneliness can get you down
When you get to thinking no one cares
Lean on me
And I'll lean on you
Together we will see it through
No, I don't like to sleep alone
It's sad to think some folks do
No I don't like to sleep alone
No one does
Do you?