有人選擇在愚人節誕生,有人選擇在愚人節死亡,有人選擇在愚人節繼續存活... 四月一日是個嘲笑自己的好日子,我聽到電話那頭傳來哭泣的聲音...
夜深人靜,聽聽 Rita Coolidge:We're All Alone (1978)
最近跟"哭"很有緣:看了不少會哭的電影,遇到不少會哭的人,聽了不少會哭的音樂,想了不少會哭的事情... 那些被理解的、被接受的、被原諒的、被壓抑的、被掩蓋的...
那些平常輕易放過或刻意迴避的東西,在特定時刻,沒有特定原因,如罩門般打開,蛇蟲魍魎鬼魅重生... 簡單一句話一個畫面一種味道一段文字一個聲音、一個夢或一個念頭,世界瓦解了,在鼻樑和眼眶之間潰堤,溫度開始上升,眼鏡開始起霧,視線開始模糊...
每個人的眼淚不同,但想哭的念頭是一樣的... "謝謝你在難過的時候想到我",我說。"我很壞。我比較喜歡被人在難過的時候想念"...
Outside the rain begins, and it may never end
So cry no more on the shore, a dream
Will take us out to sea, forever more, forever more
Close your eyes and dream and you can be with me
Neath the waves through the caves of hours
Long forgotten now, we're all alone, we're all alone
*Close the window calm the light and it will be all right
No need to bother now, let it out, let it all begin *
Learn how to pretend
Once a story's told, it can't help but grow old
Roses do, lovers too, so cast
Your seasons to the wind and hold me dear
Oh hold me dear
All's forgotten now, we're all alone, we're all alone
Always to the wind, my love