Starry starry night 星夜裡
Paint your palette blue and grey 你將畫布塗上藍色, 灰色
Look out on a summer's day 看看窗外的夏日景色
with eyes that know the darkness in my soul 你也同時也看透了我靈魂深處的晦暗
Shadows on the hills 在山坡的陰影中
Sketch the trees and the daffodils 你描繪樹幹枝葉與水仙花朵
Catch the breeze and the winter chills 在捕捉冬日的寒風中
in colors on the snowy linen land 你為雪白大地塗上彩色線條
*Now I understand 如今我才明瞭
what you tried to say to me 你到底想告訴我什麼
How you suffered for your sanity 你的遠見曾讓你受盡煎熬
How you tried to set them free 如今你想要釋放它們
They would not listen they did not know how 別傻了, 他們不會聽你的, 他們怎麼也不會
Perhaps they'll listen now 也許他們現在正學著開始
Starry starry night 星空裡
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze 火紅的花朵炙烈綻放著
Swirling clouds in violet haze 漩渦似的雲彩藏在紫色陰霾中
reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue 映射出你眼中的寶藍色彩
Colors changing hue 顏色正在改變光澤
Morning fields of amber grain 早晨的田間充滿琥珀色的麥穗
Weathered faces lined in pain 風化的臉孔在痛苦中形塑
are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand 這些都隱藏在藝術家如你般的炙熱雙手中
For they could not love you 只因他們無法愛你
Still your love was true 直到你的愛成真
And when no hope was left in sight on that 當星空留不住任何希望時
starry starry night
You took your life as lovers often do 你熱情看待生命就好像情侶的熱戀一般
But I could have told you - Vincent 但我早該告訴你 Vincent
this world was never meant for one 這世界並非為了像你這般美麗的人而在設計的
as beautiful as you
Starry starry night 星空裡
Portraits hung in empty halls 空蕩蕩的大廳掛著你的肖像
Frameless heads on nameless walls 你那無框的頭像被掛在無名的牆上
with eyes that watch the world and can't forget 從眼神中看出那是一個無法忘懷的世界
Like the stranger that you've met 如同你所遇到的陌生人們
The ragged men in ragged clothes 他們卑賤地披上破爛的衣服
The silver thorn of bloddy rose 那些血紅玫瑰上的銀色荊棘
lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow 就這樣被擠壓破碎, 傾倒在春雪中
And now I think I know 如今我才明瞭
what you tried to say to me 你到底想說什麼
How you suffered for your sanity 你的遠見曾讓你備受煎熬
How you tried to set them free 如今你渴望釋放它們
They would not listen 別傻了, 他們才不會聽你的
they're not listening still 他們不會聽你的, 直到...
25 years and my life is still 25年來我的生命始終平靜如一
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope 試著攀登那所謂"希望"的高峰
For a destination 並以此作為目標
I realized quickly when I know I should 其實我知道我早就該清醒了
That the world is made up of this brotherhood of man 尤其在當他們說"世界大同"的時候
For whatever that means 管他是什麼狗屁意思
*And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed 於是我有時會躺在床上大哭
Just to get it all out--what's in my head and I 企圖把腦袋清空
I am feeling a little peculiar 但我總覺得怪怪的
Well I wake in the morning and I step outside 於是我早晨醒來 走出大門
And I take a deep breath, I get real high and I 深深呼吸一口氣 感覺很振奮
Scream to the top of my lungs, 我用力大聲呼喊
What's going on? "他媽的 搞什麼鬼"
And I say
Hey yeah, hey yeah
I say, hey, what's going on?
And I say hey yeah, hey yeah
I say, hey, what's going on?
Ooh, ooh...
And I try--oh my god do I try 我試著... 老天我真的用力試過
I try all the time in this institution 分分秒秒都在嘗試 在這個狗屁體制內
And I pray--oh my god do I pray 我也禱告... 老天我真的用力禱告
I pray every single day for a revolution 我每天禱告 期待一個革命
這首是美國歌手 Carly Simon 的招牌曲,她詞曲包辦,以低沉又宏亮的嗓音重新詮釋"分手後"的視野,令人驚艷,也為她奠定日後在流行歌壇與電影界的地位,並多次獲頒葛萊美獎、金像獎及金球獎... 這首歌除了文字幽默犀利之外,最特別是低音厚實的唱腔,聽起來既像是在嘲笑愛情,嘲笑自己,也在嘲笑"他",但這種嘲笑又帶著某種"欣賞"的味道,讓情歌不只是一般軟綿綿的談情說愛,而是多了一分"可敬的對手"的較量,層次十足。
此外,這首歌的編曲也堪稱一絕:非洲鼓的開場首先讓視線充滿神秘,彷彿在偵探獵物,等著好戲上場。鋼琴簡潔有力,木吉他刷合弦非常結實,既豪放又大氣,帶出低沉宏亮的主唱... 整首曲子節奏輕快明顯,讓人不自覺搖擺起來,間奏的電吉他 solo 好像是觀眾的眼睛環顧四周,有一種荒謬甚至是幸災樂禍的竊謝私語。最後一段最幽默,不僅沒有怨恨難過,竟然還有一種"欣羨"的感覺... 愛情至此,真是最高境界。
You walked into the party 你走進舞會
Like you were walking onto a yacht 宛如你正走上一艘遊艇
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye 你策略地把帽子壓得低低的 蓋過一隻眼睛
Your scarf it was apricot 你的圍巾是杏黃色的
You had one eye in the mirror as 你露出另一隻眼睛
You watched yourself gavotte 從鏡子裡看看自己跳舞的英姿
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner 所有的女孩都希望成為你的舞伴
They'd be your partner, and 她們都希望成為你的舞伴
*You're so vain 哇靠 你可真夠屌
You probably think this song is about you 你也許認為這首歌是在說你
You're so vain (you're so vain) 你可真夠屌
I'll bet you think this song is about you 我打賭你一定這樣認為
Don't you, don't you, aw 不是嗎
You had me several years ago 幾年前你也曾擁有我
When I was still quite naive 當時我還很天真
When you said that we made such a pretty pair 你曾說我們是天生一對
And that you would never leave 還說你永遠不離開我
But you gave away the things you loved 但你終究還是丟掉了你所愛的東西
And one of them was me 包括我在內
*I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee 我突然覺得手中的咖啡佈滿烏雲
Clouds in my coffee, and
Well I hear you went up to Saratoga 聽說你去了賭城
And your horse naturally won 你的馬當然又贏了
Then you flew your Lear Jet up to Nova Scotia 然後你又開著私人飛機去加拿大北邊
To see the total eclipse of the sun 去看日全蝕
Well you're where you should be all the time 你總是有辦法在最適當的時候出現
And when you're not, you're with 而當你不在這兒的時候 你也許正和地下間諜在一起
Some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend 再不然就是正在跟某個好朋友的老婆鬼混
Wife of a close friend, and
今天推薦 Neil Young 的招牌曲:Heart of Gold (1971) 。這是70年代美國鄉村歌曲的代表作之一,也示範出當時台灣民歌西餐廳自彈自唱的標準配備:木吉他加上一支掛在脖子上的民謠口琴...
Neil Young 有一種我很喜歡的"調調",雖然活在那個充滿叛逆的年代,但卻有某種嬉笑怒罵的冷靜幽默,一種疏離的"文人"氣質。他大部分的歌都有一種"怪怪"的旋律線,讓你聽不出是頭或是尾,就這樣飄來飄去,好像可以一直唱下去,搭配木吉他和他那種又輕又高的嗓音,感覺特別遙遠。
口琴是一種很有感情的樂器,在呼吸之間讓"流浪"顯得更遙遠淒涼,特別是與木吉他搭配。民謠口琴與一般的口琴不同。民謠口琴比較短,通常只有十孔,適合搭配合聲,如再運用口腔變化吹奏則會有藍調的半音階效果,因此又稱為藍調口琴(Blues Harp)。 Bob Dylan 擅長口琴與吉他搭配,早期的陳昇也是這樣的行頭。
70年代的美國歌手對社會有著強烈的批判意識,大多非常犀利... 但其實也是很靦腆害羞的。
I want to live
I want to give
I've been a miner for a heart of gold
It's these expressions I never give
That keep me searching for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.
*Keeps me searching for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.
I've been to Hollywood
I've been to Redwood
I crossed the ocean
for a heart of gold
I've been in my mind, it's such a fine line
That keeps me searching for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old
簡單的 Em 在另一條弦上多加了一個重覆的音,讓吉他音色變得荒謬且立體,這就是李宗盛特殊的"流浪"曲風展現,有一種波希米亞的味道... 其實若從吉他彈奏的觀點分析李宗盛的曲子,我認為他的作品是有跡可循的,而且有許多相似之處。譬如他最常用 G 調作曲,這也許和音高有關,而與 G 調相關的 Em 則是他的最愛,另外再搭配 D 與 C 或 Bm,如此就可搞定一首曲子。這組和弦關係是流行音樂的標準模式,其實非常簡單,但李宗盛的特色是可以從簡單的和弦關係中找到不俗的"旋律",以及搭配了獨特口白唱腔的"文字"。
今天推薦貓王 Elvis Presley:Can't Help Falling in Love (1962)
多美的一個動詞"Falling (墜入)",讓人意亂神迷卻又甘願深陷其中,尤其在前面加上"Can't Help (無法不)",有一種命中注定的味道... 甜蜜的宿命將兩個人綁在一起,在眾人的見證中承諾彼此,令人感動落淚,儘管"聰明人常說只有傻子才會冒然躁進",但愛情若非如此,又當如何?
這首是 Elvis Presley 最好聽的情歌之一,他低沉又厚實的嗓音非常性感。曲風結合鄉村、搖滾、福音歌曲及美國南方的黑人藍調,這讓他在 60,70 年代的美國大為走紅,成為在英國 Beatles 的世界旋風之外,成功突破傳統流行音樂範疇的代表,同時受到美國白人及黑人的推崇,稱他為"搖滾之王 (The King of Rock'n Roll)"... 他的去世(1977)是一個傳說,令許多人震驚,也讓有些人甚至難過到現在...電影"阿甘正傳"裡有一段就是模仿他的唱腔及快速扭臀的舞步,令人回味無窮。
我不知道究竟是"人"讓我們看到了愛情,還是"愛情"讓我們發現了人,總之... Enjoy it!
Wise men say only fools rush in "聰明人"常說只有傻子才會冒然躁進
But I can't help falling in love with you 但我實在無法不與妳一起墜入情網
Shall I stay 我應該待在愛河裡面嗎
Would it be a sin 這樣做是罪嗎
If I can't help falling in love with you 如果我真的無法不與妳一起墜入
*Like a river flows surely to the sea 如同河川終究流向大海
Darling so it goes 親愛的, 它就是這樣
Some things are meant to be 有些事情注定就是這樣 Take my hand, take my whole life too 牽我的手如同牽著我的生命
For I can't help falling in love with you 因為我實在無法不與妳一起墜入
OK, Bee Gees 出場,從這首開始。今天推薦:I Started a Joke (1968)
Bee Gees 是 70、80 年代全球知名的合唱團,來自(由英國)移民澳洲的 Gibb 家族三兄弟所組成。他們的曲風多樣特殊,略帶假音的唱腔不論是傳統搖滾或 Disco 舞曲都曾留下許多經典,尤其是幾部電影插曲讓他們獲得全方位的音樂成就,如電影"兩小無猜 (Melody)"以及由約翰屈伏塔所主演的"周末狂熱 (Saturday Night Fever)",當時在台灣也掀起一股節奏明顯的 Disco 風潮... 這首的作者及主唱是 Robin Gibb,就是畫面左邊那位。整首歌聽起來好像有一種海浪來回沖刷的感覺,宿命般周而復始又回到原點。編曲規模不小,副歌部分的豎琴以及之後的弦樂非常精彩。
今天介紹西洋樂壇一位身懷絕技的獨行俠,他琴藝高超,不但能唱能寫、能編曲而且還自己彈奏... 推薦 Elton John:Your Song (1970)
Elton John 是英國樂壇的長青樹,出道四十多年始終獨來獨往,以鋼琴自彈自唱聞名。他的曲風非常多樣,從抒情到搖滾都帶有濃厚的英國風格,我認為那是一種在深厚文化下的"文學性"的幽默表現。他有些歌淺顯易懂,但有一些歌詞的隱喻卻連道地的美國人都無法體會。
他最為人熟知的曲子應該是 1997 年在黛安娜王妃葬禮中的那首"Candle in the Wind"。作為一首追悼曲,這首歌如泣如訴表達出老百姓對這位平民王妃的懷念,彷彿讓人從王子與公主的美夢中清醒... 這首歌讓他被英國女王冊封為爵士,同時也藉以表揚他對流行音樂的貢獻,所以現在我們應該叫他 Sir Elton John,印象中同樣被稱為"爵士"的歌手還有前 Beatles 的 Paul McCartney,以及英國老牌搖滾唱將 Tom Jones。
至於這首歌... 我始終認為寫一首歌送人是最浪漫的禮物,而且最好是親自唱給他(她)聽。
這首是 Elton John 最早的名曲之一,當時他還很瘦,充滿稚氣的臉龐卻嗓音渾厚,看似簡單的旋律卻不容易唱,必須中氣十足才行,而且隱藏複雜的爵士和弦,我曾改編成吉他曲... 快把我累死。
It's a little bit funny this feeling inside 這種感覺其實有點好笑
I'm not one of those who can easily hide 我不是那種會輕易隱藏自己的人
I don't have much money but boy if I did 我沒什麼錢, 但老天如果有一天我發了
I'd buy a big house where we both could live 我會買一棟大房子讓我們一起住
If I was a sculptor, but then again, no 如果我是一個雕塑家... 算了吧, 反正我也不是
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show 我當然也不是巡迴表演的魔術師
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do 雖然我知道這個禮物沒什麼, 但我已盡力
My gift is my song and this one's for you 我的禮物就是這首歌, 一首為你所寫的歌
*And you can tell everybody this is your song 你可以告訴大家這首歌是獻給你的
It may be quite simple but now that it's done 它雖然聽起來很簡單, 但至少已經完成了
I hope you don't mind 順道一提, 希望你別介意
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words 希望你別介意我在歌詞中加進這段話
How wonderful life is while you're in the world "生命因為有你而變得美好"
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss 我坐在屋頂上踢著青苔
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross 正為著歌詞裡的韻腳而傷透腦筋
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song 幸好此時陽光普照
It's for people like you that keep it turned on 我想都是因為有你的關係
So excuse me forgetting but these things I do 非常抱歉我竟忘了一件我正在處理的事
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue 我忘了你的眼睛是藍色的還是綠色的
Anyway the thing is what I really mean 沒關係, 反正我最想說的只是
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen 妳有一雙我所見過最美的眼睛
The Wall 是他們 1979 年的作品,很難想像在那個年代能有如此前衛的音樂,至今聽來依舊震撼。今天這個版本是他們於 1995 年在倫敦的現場演唱。
至於開學日為什麼要放這首"牆上的另一塊磚"... 一種贖罪吧... 阿們。
We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Teacher, leave those kids alone.
Hey, Teacher, leave those kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
The Wall (牆) 是他們最著名的"概念專輯(Concept Album)"之一,所有曲目圍繞一個"隔閡"與"疏離"的概念,是純音樂也是一部發人深思的音樂電影(一部超大型的MV)。這些歌曲都可以串成一個故事,故事的主角是一個名叫 Pink 的小男孩,今天這首是關於小男孩在學校...
The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life, oh, how they fill my eyes.
The grieving of people in trouble
Reflections of my life, oh, how they fill my eyes.
* All my sorrow, sad tomorrow,
Take me back to my old home
I'm changing, arranging, I'm changing
I'm changing everything, oh, everything around me
The world is a bad place, a bad place
A terrible place to live, oh, but I don't wanna die
四十年之後他們再度攜手,五個人加起來超過三百歲... 雖然看得出歲月滄桑,但功力與與氣勢依舊,只有一個"帥"字可以形容,既令人感動又替他們驕傲... 我想了很多事情,真如同歌詞所說 Reflections of my life, oh, how they fill my eyes...
簡單的文字、簡單的旋律、簡單的節奏、簡單的四個和弦(G D Am7 C)... 古典搖滾的"重量"在此表露無疑,讓人如魔咒般陶醉沉迷,甚至想一直一直唱下去...
這是 Bob Dylan 早期的作品,第一人稱敘述一位(因捍衛"國家正義"而對抗反戰份子的)警察中槍倒地,臨死前唱出... 當然這又是一個隱喻,關於反戰、權力,也關於人們口中的"正義"。這不是誰對誰錯、或誰贏誰輸的問題,而是"誰說"的問題...
Mama, take this badge off of me 媽媽,把我的警徽拿走吧
I can't use it anymore 我不再需要它們了
It's gettin' dark, too dark to see 視線越來越黑,我漸漸看不到了
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door 我感覺我正敲著天堂的門
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Mama, put my guns in the ground 媽媽,把我的槍放在地上吧
I can't shoot them anymore 我已無法再射殺他們了
That long black cloud is comin' down 烏雲漸漸壟罩
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door 我感覺我正敲著天堂的門
All my bags are packed, Im ready to go
Im standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin, Its early morn
The taxis waitin, Hes blowin his horn
Already Im so lonesome I could die
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
Cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Theres so many times Ive let you down
So many times Ive played around
but I tell you now, they dont mean a thing Every place I go, I think of you (我最喜歡這兩句) Every song I sing, I sing for you When I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, Let me kiss you
And close your eyes and Ill be on my way
Dream about the days to come, When I wont have to leave alone
About the times, That I wont have to say