後來我才知道這是一首翻譯歌,來自法國國寶級歌后 Edith Piaf 的名曲"L'hymne a l'amour" (愛的禮讚),而且翻唱的歌手非常多,儼然是一首世界名曲... 也許"老歌"真的是先入為主的標籤,至今我還是覺得 Brenda Lee 唱得傳神,她沙啞又明亮的嗓音依舊霸佔了那個"想像的原點"。
這首的英文為"If You Love Me",同樣是那個年代,美國女歌手 Olivia Newton-John 也唱過另外一首"If You Love Me",為了區別,這首加了副標 "If You Love Me (Really Love Me)",而另一首則是"If You Love Me (Let Me Know)",是一首輕快的舞曲。
同樣名為"If You Love Me",同樣來自那個懵懂年代,同樣伴隨我渡過剃平頭的日子,同樣好聽,但對我而言這兩首"老歌"是不同的... 一首是"過去完成進行式",一首則是單純的"過去式"...
If the sun should tumble from the sky 如果太陽會突然滾落天際
If the sea should suddenly run dry 果如海水會瞬間乾涸
If you love me, really love me 如果你真愛我
Let it happen, I won't care 讓它就這麼發生吧
If it seems that everything is lost 如果看來我將失去所有
I will smile and never count the cost 我將微笑並不惜代價
If you love me, really love me 如果你真愛我
Let it happen, darling, I won't care 就讓它這麼發生吧
Shall I catch a shooting star ? 我該追逐天上的星星嗎
Shall I bring it where you are? 我該帶著它與你浪跡天涯嗎
If you want me to, I will 只要你開口 我會
You can set me any task 你可以考驗我
I'll do anything you ask 我都願意順從
If you'll only say you love me still 只要你依然愛我
When at last my life on earth is through 當我走到世界盡頭
I'll share eternity with you 我將與你共度永恆
If you love me, really love me 如果你真愛我
Let it happen 讓它發生
Darling, I won't care
On a dark desert highway 在漆黑荒涼的高速公路上
Cool wind in my hair 冷風吹進我的髮梢
Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air 空氣中瀰漫一股溫熱的酒香
Up ahead in the distance 在不遠的地方
I saw a shimmering light 我看到一盞微亮的燈光
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dimmer 我腦袋昏沉眼皮下垂
I had to stop for the night 必須找個地方過夜
There she stood in the doorway 她就站在大門口
I heard the mission bell 我聽到教堂的鐘聲
And I was thinking to myself 我自己在想
'This could be heaven or this could be hell' "這裡如果不是天堂就是地獄"
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way 她接著拿出燭台 帶領我進門
There were voices down the corridor 我聽到走廊上有窸窣人聲
I thought I heard them say--- 我想他們在說
Welcome to the Hotel California 歡迎來到加州旅館
Such a lovely place (such a lovely face) 多麼美好的地方 如此甜美的臉龐
Plenty of room at the Hotel California 這裡有很多房間
Any time of year, you can find it here 任何時候都是如此
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted 她一身珠光寶氣
She got the Mercedes Benz 開著賓士汽車
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys that she calls friends 圍繞著一堆稱為"朋友"的美男孩
How they dance in the courtyard 他們盡情在中庭跳舞
Sweet summer sweats 夏日的香汗淋漓
Some dance to remember 有些舞是為了記得
Some dance to forget 有些舞則是為了遺忘
So I called up the Captain 我叫來領班
'Please bring me my wine' "拿些好酒過來" 他說
He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since 1969' "我們打從1969年起就沒那種興緻了"
And still those voices are calling from far away 遠遠依舊傳來那樣的聲音
Wake you up in the middles of the night 半夜會把你吵醒
Just to hear them say--- 只聽到他們說
Welcome to the Hotel California 歡迎來到加州旅館
Such a lovely place (such a lovely face) 多麼美好的地方 如此甜美的臉龐
They living it up at the Hotel California 他們讓加州旅館充滿驚艷
What a nice surprise, bring you alibis 美妙的驚奇 帶給你任何藉口
Mirrors on the ceiling 天花板上的鏡子
The pink champagne on ice 冰涼的粉紅香檳 她說
And she said 'We are all just prisoners here of our own device' "我們都只是自己的奴隸"
And in the master's chambers 接著在大廳裡
They gathered for the feast 他們又聚集盛宴一番
They stab it with their steely knives 揮舞著金屬刀叉
But they just can't kill the beast 但他們並無法殺死野獸
Last thing I remember 最後我記得
I was running for the door 我奔向門口
I had to find the passage back 我必須找回來時路
To the place I was before 回到我的原初
'Relax', said the night man "放輕鬆" 守夜的人告訴我
'We are programmed to receive "我們已注定如此 必須接受這一切"
You can check out any time you like "你在任何時候都可以退房"
But you can never leave' "但你休想真正離開"
其實這首歌的結構很簡單,耳尖的朋友不知能否聽出它其實有點像古典曲卡農,只是改成小調 (由 D 改成 Bm),再多了副歌部分,Bass 由"1(B)" 順著半音往下到 4-1-4-5,然後重覆。和弦是 Bm-#F-A-E7-G-D-Em-#F
這是一首單曲,當時收錄在這張"我有話要說"的合輯裡,裡面有李宗盛的"十七歲女生的溫柔",還有與周華健合唱的"我有話要說",印象中好像還有紀宏仁。這不是一首"表現型"的曲子,整首歌的旋律與意境都很"淡",不適合太重的編曲,也不能唱得太"入戲",否則會"搶"過這種意境。裡面有許多 Blues 的 maj7 和弦,給人一種"慵懶的空隙"的感覺,有如一場"飄"的獨白...
今天推薦 Linda Ronstadt:Silver Threads and Golden Needles (1973)
關於"豪門",總有無盡想像,有人忙著嫁入,有人忙著迎娶,僅管現代愛情面貌多變,僅管有錢有勢並非犯罪,但無可避免已蒙上某種"遐想"的神秘面紗... 但其實這些都不關我們的事...這是一首小小的作品,來自美國歌后 Linda Ronstadt,獨特的嗓音非常具有"鄉村搖滾"的風味,她全球知名並獲獎無數,曾被譽為 The Queen of Rock,這個版本是 Eagles 的伴奏。
昨天在影圖看了 Stanley Kubrick 的老片"金甲部隊",描寫 70 年代美國大兵與越戰,既好笑又荒謬又真實... 原來當荒謬被如此細微放大時,竟如此好笑,又如此真實。
I don't want your lonely mansion 我不要你那寂寞的豪宅
with a tear in every room 每個房間都充滿淚水 All I want is the love you promised 我只要你承諾過的愛
beneath the haloed moon 在朦朧的月光下 But you think I should be happy 你以為我應該會快樂
with your money and your name 靠著你的金錢與名望 And hide myself in sorrow 然後將自己隱藏在憂傷中
while you play your cheatin' game 陪你一起玩著欺騙的遊戲
*Silver threads and golden needles 金針和銀線
cannot mend this heart of mine 無法修補我的心 And I dare not drown my sorrow 我也不敢將我的憂傷
in the warm glow of your wine 寄託在你那花俏的酒杯裡 You can't buy my love with money 你無法用錢買到我的愛
cause I never was that kind 因為我不是那種人 Silver threads and golden needles 金針和銀線
can not mend this heart of mine 無法修補我的心
Juice Newton 發跡於 70 年代,長髮飄逸非常漂亮,看似柔弱但音色渾厚,與 Linda Ronstadt 同為美國重量級女歌手。或許正值"後現代女性主義"風潮,當時的"鄉村搖滾"在不少女歌手唱來都有一種"女權思維"的味道,試圖掙脫(或重新建構)某種長久在男性觀點下的(愛情)世界樣貌,如同前一首"Torn Between Two Lovers"... 當然這還是一首美麗的情歌,一夜纏綿,女孩在早晨目送男子離開,不論結果如何,男女私情隱藏在文字背後,表面上好像什麼都沒說,但又好像什麼都說了...
早晨的天使有另一種美麗,這是早餐與晚餐的差別... 有興趣的人各自去體會吧!
There'll be no strings to bind your hands 沒有繩子把你的手綁住
Not if my love can find your heart 我的愛也無法看穿你的心
And there's no need to take a stand 你沒有必要表態 也不用"負責"
For it was I who chose to start 是我選擇先開始的
I see no need to take me home 我也知道 其實你並沒有必要送我回家
I'm old enough to face the dawn 我已經長大可以獨自面對黎明
*Just call me angel of the morning, angel 叫我一聲"早晨的天使"吧
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby 離開前請碰一碰我的臉頰吧 寶貝
Just call me angel of the morning, angel 叫我一聲"早晨的天使"吧
Then slowly turn away from me 然後再慢慢轉身離開
Maybe the sun's light will be dim 也許陽光會暗淡
It won't matter anyhow 那終究都無所謂
If morning's echo says we've sinned 如果清晨響起一陣回聲 說"我們犯罪了"
Well, it was what I wanted now 好吧 那就是我現在想要的
And if we're victims of the night 如果我們是昨夜瘋狂的見證者
I won't be blinded by the light 在今天的陽光下我也不會迷亂
I won't beg you to stay with me 我不會求你留下
Through the tears of the day 陪我度過整天以淚洗面的日子
Of the years, baby 或整年
There are times when a woman 一個女人
Has to say what's on her mind 總會有想要說出內心事的時候
Even though she knows how much it's gonna hurt 雖然她知道那將帶來無比傷害
Before I say another word 在我明確表白之前
Let me tell you, I love you 我要讓你知道我是愛你的
Let me hold you close and say these words 讓我緊緊擁抱你
As gently as I can 然後盡可能溫柔說出
There's been another man, 我其實有另一個男人
That I've needed and I've loved 我需要他 而且我愛他
But that doesn't mean I love you less 但這並不表示我不愛妳
And he knows he can't possess me 他知道無法佔有我
And he knows he never will 他也不願如此
There's just this empty place inside of me 只是我內心的空虛
That only he can fill 好像只有他能填滿
*Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool 週旋在兩個愛人之間 我感覺像個傻子
Loving both of you is breaking all the rules 同時愛上你們是一件"犯規"的事
Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool
Loving you both is breaking all the rules
You mustn't think you failed me 千萬不要覺得是因為你對我不好
Just because there's someone else 才讓我出軌
You were the first real love I ever had 你是我此生第一個真愛
And all the things I ever said, I swear they still are true 我曾說過的都是真的
For no one else can have the part of me 那些不曾給人的所有
I gave to you 我都給了你
I couldn't really blame you 我無法怪罪於你
If you turn and walk away 如果你就此轉頭離開
But with everything I feel inside 但現在我最想說的
I'm asking you to stay 是希望你留下
這首"波西米亞狂想曲"三十多年來被稱為搖滾音樂史上最極致的作品,來自英國的皇后合唱團 "A Night at the Opera" 專輯,無論是編曲、唱腔及和聲至今無人能敵,通常屏氣凝神聽完之後只有兩個字:認命... 詞曲作者兼鋼琴手及主唱 Freddie Mercury 個性內向害羞,但在舞台上爆發力十足,有如"上身"。他於1991年因愛滋病過世,舉世震驚哀悼,這是流行音樂界的永世傳奇。
Is this the real life- 這是真實的嗎? Is this just fantasy- 亦或只是幻覺? Caught in a landslide- 陷於山崩地裂 No escape from reality- 無法逃離現狀 Open your eyes 睜開雙眼 Look up to the skies and see- 仰望天空
I'm just a poor boy,I need no sympathy- 我只是個窮小孩 我不需要同情 Because I'm easy come,easy go, 因為我總是任人呼來喚去
A little high,little low, 驅上使下
Anyway the wind blows,doesn't really matter to me, 不管風怎麼吹 我無所謂
To me 我都無所謂
Mama, I just killed a man, 媽媽 我剛剛殺了人
Put a gun against his head, 用槍抵住他的頭
Pulled my trigger,now he's dead, 扣下板機 現在他已經死了 Mama,life had just begun, 媽媽 人生才剛要開始
But now I've gone and thrown it all away 但我卻把它全輸光了
Mama ooo,
Didn't mean to make you cry- 媽媽 我並非故意惹妳哭泣
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow- 如果我明天此時沒有回家
Carry on,carry on,as if nothing really matters- 撐著點 就當沒事發生好了
Too late,my time has come, 太遲了 我的日子來了
Sends shivers down my spine- 我的背脊開始顫抖
Body's aching all the time, 全身開始疼痛
Goodbye everybody-I've got to go- 再見了各位 我要走了
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth- 我必須拋下你們去面對事實
Mama ooo- (any way the wind blows)
I don't want to die, 媽媽 我並不想死
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all- 我有時候還真希望自己從未出生
I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the Fandango-
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me-
Galileo Galileo
Galileo figaro-Magnifico-
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me-
He's just a poor boy from a poor family-
Spare him his life from this monstrosity-
Easy come easy go-,will you let me go-
Bismillah! No-,we will not let you go-let him go-
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go let me go
Mama mia,mama mia,mama mia let me go-
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me,for me,for me-
So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye- 所以你們就用石頭丟我 向我的眼睛吐口水
So you think you can love me and leave me to die- 所以你們就先愛我 然後再任我死去
Oh baby-Can't do this to me baby- 親愛的 不要這要對我
Just gotta get out-just gotta get right outta here- 我只想出去 只想逃出去
Nothing really matters, 算了 一切都無所謂了
Anyone can see, 任何人都看得出來
Nothing really matters-,nothing really matters to me, 我真的無所謂了
When a man loves a woman 當男人愛上女人
Can't keep his mind on nothin' else 他心中只有她
He'd trade the world 他願意用這份美好
For a good thing he's found 去交換全世界
If she is bad, he can't see it 他看不到她的缺點
She can do no wrong 而她所做的任何事都是對的
Turn his back on his best friend 他會"見色忘友"
If he puts her down 如果他的好朋友說她的壞話
When a man loves a woman 當男人愛上女人
Spend his very last dime 他會用最後一分錢
Trying to hold on to what he needs 緊緊去把握他最後的需要
He'd give up all his comforts 他會放棄所有的舒適
And sleep out in the rain 甚至睡在雨中
If she said that's the way 如果這是她的要求
It ought to be
When a man loves a woman 當男人愛上女人
I give you everything I got (yeah) 我會獻上所有
Trying to hold on 努力去把握
To your precious love 妳那最珍惜的愛
Baby please don't treat me bad 寶貝 請善待我
When a man loves a woman 當男人愛上女人
Deep down in his soul 在他靈魂深處
She can bring him such misery 那將會是最大的痛苦
If she is playing him for a fool 如果她只是把愛情當成兒戲
He's the last one to know 他會是最後一個知道的人
Loving eyes can never see 因為愛情是盲目的
Yes when a man loves a woman 當男人愛上女人
I know exactly how he feels 我知道那種感覺
'Cause baby, baby, baby 因為寶貝
I am a man 我就是那個男人...
我向來不太喜歡用"行業別"來認識(或介紹)一個人,因為那終究是一種社會交代,雖然有許多人需要依賴這種交代,才能讓自己安心,但重要的是自己如何看待。前幾天與同學談到"領悟",突然想到我的指導教授曾一再叮嚀"Whatever... hold on your subjectivity(不論如何,保有你的主體性)",語重心長令人深思。
Mike Oldfield 是一個人的名字,也是一個資深英國樂團的名字,在7,80年代與 Pink Floyd 同樣以魔幻的"實驗音樂"聞名。當然從現在的眼光看來,這些"實驗"都只是鍵盤音色的再處理,但在那個(電腦)合成音樂剛開始萌芽的時代,這已經是創意十足的事了,而有些"實驗"確實具有某種"魔幻"的效果。主導的 Mike 除了身兼詞曲之外,也是主吉他手,擅長許多種樂器。
這首是例外,一點也不實驗,也非"魔幻",如果有的話,那大概是歌詞部分,許多深邃的"隱喻"至今還是個謎。歌詞中的人稱代名詞(我、她、他、你)交替使用,讓視野變得立體,但確實是紀念前 Beatles 的大將 John Lennon 而寫的... 歌詞描述一個人在星期六凌晨四點被殺了六槍...
我還是忍不住去想像那個"爸爸告訴女兒這個故事"的畫面... 那會是個什麼樣的"情況"?
二十多年下來,這首歌有許多版本,也換過不少主唱,也有一些人翻唱,我還看過日本動畫版本,今天這個是我最喜歡的一個,來自 2000 年柏林現場演唱會(The Art in Heaven)... 瞧他一付漫不經心的樣子東張西望,一下調整圍巾,一下又看看攝影機,慢吞吞用優雅的 fingerstyle 彈電吉他,又彈得這麼輕鬆穩健,與女主唱交錯進行,若即若離,精采又陶醉,只有一個"帥"字可以形容,而且他好像越老越帥,非常佩服,而這場演唱會的"氣勢"更令人羨慕...
這是一首哀悼的歌,但卻一點也不悲,相信 John Lennon 在天堂聽了也會開心。
The last that ever she saw him 她最後一次看到他
Carried away by a moonlight shadow 被一道月光之影帶走
He passed on worried and warning 他略顯不安
Carried away by a moonlight shadow 被一道月光之影帶走
Lost in a riddle that saturday night 迷失在那個星期六的夜晚
Far away on the other side 遠遠地
He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight 他被困在一場打鬥中
And she couldn't find how to push through 而她不知該如何解圍
The trees that whisper in the evening 夜晚的路樹低吟著
Carried away by a moonlight shadow 被一道月光之影帶走
Sing a song of sorrow and grieving 唱著憂傷的歌
Carried away by a moonlight shadow 被一道月光之影帶走
All she saw was a silhouette of a gun 她只看到一把手槍的剪影
Far away on the other side 遠遠地
He was shot six times by a man on the run 他被那個人殺了六槍
And she couldn't find how to push through 而她不知該如何解圍
*I stay 我留下
I pray 我禱告
I see you in heaven far away 在遙遠的天堂再見囉
Four AM in the morning 凌晨四點
Carried away by a moonlight shadow 被一道月光之影帶走
I watched your vision forming 我看到你所見的東西
Carried away by a moonlight shadow 被一道月光之影帶走
Star swirls slowly in a silvery night 夜晚的星空慢慢迴旋
Far away on the other side 遠遠地
Will you come to talk to me this night 你今晚會對我說話嗎
But she couldn't find how to push through 但她不知如何渡過
Caught in the middle of a hundred and five 在第一百零五號的門牌旁邊(?)
The night was heavy but the air was alive 夜晚如此沉重但空氣卻如此活躍
She couldn't find how to push through 她不知該如何渡過
Eric Clapton 崛起於 70 年代的英國,是一位非常資深且活躍的搖滾音樂改革者,曲風橫跨鄉村民謠及藍調音樂(Blues)。他的生世非常坎坷複雜,從小開始玩音樂,自創曲風,自組樂團,年輕時曾多次遊走於酒精與毒品之間,至今出過三十幾張個人專輯,還有另外三十幾張現場演唱及樂團合輯等作品... 他是吉他高手,不論是電吉他或木吉他都很厲害,也是吉他收藏家(他主要是用 Gibson 吉他,我的最愛,可惜買不起)。他的作品曾獲葛萊美獎,也被英國滾石雜誌評選為二十世紀最偉大的音樂家與吉他手之一...
這首曲子看似簡單,卻是一個很"高段"的作品,簡單的尼龍弦吉他主奏,雖然好像有點大材小用,但卻手感十足,裡面藏著非常豐富的和弦變化。編曲介於傳統搖滾與藍調之間,拉丁鼓與手風琴的搭配聽起來如泣如訴,Bass 與不同音色的電吉他間奏讓整首曲子始終保持一定的張力,好像很平凡,卻越來越豐富,值得細細品味。尤其是主旋律(A調)與副歌(C調)之間的銜接非常巧妙自然,從原來的 A 往上過門 B 到 C 調(進入副歌),再由 C 經過 D 到 G,最妙的是往下加入 E(就是副歌的最後一句 "Begging please") ,最後再往上回到主旋律 A 調。這兩組關係和弦原本是各自獨立的,但卻巧妙混在一起使用...
Would you know my name 你還知道我是誰嗎
If I saw you in heaven 如果我在天堂遇見你
Will it be the same 一切都還會依舊嗎
If I saw you in heaven 如果我在天堂遇見你
I must be strong, and carry on 我必須強壯,要撐著繼續
Cause I know I don't belong 因為我知道自己並不屬於
Here in heaven 這兒的天堂
Would you hold my hand 你還會抓著我的手嗎
If I saw you in heaven 如果我在天堂遇見你
Would you help me stand 你會幫助我站起來嗎
If I saw you in heaven 如果我在天堂遇見你
I'll find my way, through night and day 我會自己日夜尋找出路
Cause I know I just can't stay 因為我知道自己無法停留
Here in heaven 在這兒的天堂
Time can bring you down 時間會讓你甦醒認清
Time can bend your knee 時間會讓你謙卑屈膝
Time can break your heart 時間會讓你心碎
Have you begging please 你可曾誠心祈求
Begging please 誠心祈求
Beyond the door 就在這扇門後
There's peace I'm sure. 我確定有一個地方
And I know there'll be no more... 那兒將不再會有...
Tears in heaven 來自天堂的淚水